No fitness plan is complete without a properly constructed and
complimentary diet/nutrition plan.
Although the basics are the same, every individual will have different
nutritional requirements even if they are following similar fitness plans.
If you took 10 fat loss clients all the same weight, with more or less
similar fat loss goals would you place them all on the same nutrition plan?
In short – no. The same would apply to any athlete.
The reason being that although each client may be of similar weight, there may be different ages, multiple body types in the group, different hormonal responses to exercise and diet aswell as different physiological and sociological issues which would result in different fat loss capabilities for each client.
That is why we, or any good personal trainer, will assess all aspects of a clients, or potential clients, lifestyle – work, family, social life – aswell as their physical abilities to gain an understanding of the nutritional requirements needed to compliment any fitness/exercise plan.
Click here for some more nutrition hints and tips
Or read my blog page for more on nutrition