If you have never been to a gym before the range of equipment can be confusing. Here at Stronger Leaner Fitter we specialise in resistance training and predominently with free weights. However, if you do find yourself in a 'regular' gym whether you are away on holiday or business it is good to know what machine/exercise works what particular muscle or muscle group.
If you have ever searched this topic on the internet you will know that there is a huge number of sites demonstrating all sorts of gym equipment and exercise routines.
One of the best of these sites is the Exercise and Muscle Directory.
This site provides a comprehensive listing of exercises based on all the different muscle groups. Not only does it tell you what exercise works which muscle, it also gives you a range of options from free weight barbell and dumbbell exercises to machine and cable exercises. Taking it one step further they actaully tell you how to perform each particular exercise and in most cases provide a short video demonstation.
To check it out click the button